DisABILITY Resources & Support
AARP Montana ~ A Guided Post-Combat Journal
Rich Nason is one of AARP Montana's volunteers (& friend), and he had this idea - he wants to save lives. He wrote “Bring Respect and Pride to Yourself for having Served Your Country” – it’s bound, about 50 pages, and includes Richard’s journal along with extra pages to start yours. If you’re interested in receiving a copy, please contact Rich Nason, ranason3@gmail.com
AARP Montana: Nancy Andersen - Outreach Director & Volunteer Program Manager, AARP Montana, 30 W. 14th St. Ste 301, Helena (406) 457-4703, C (702) 595-9811,
AbilityLinks: https://abilitylinks.org/user/register
Online community of job seekers, inclusive employers and supportive service providers helping disabled Veterans gain meaningful employment. VA blog: https://blogs.va.gov/VAntage/104802/employment-veterans-with-disabilities/
Questions: (620) 733-8822, info@abilitylinks.org
Accommodation in the Workplace
Recording from 9/23/21 (a look at several common disabilities that are seen in the workplace due to aging or injury; what is reasonable and how to have that conversation; examples and resources that can be used by both employees and employers): https://mt-gov.zoom.us/rec/share/k8QQQChOEBML91__ScRnJ30a9egahfkayCah6h4X_SQM5NLMmbFFCFPrLeBo7ZSh.FXRBsKtQehHA5uPT
Questions: Jeanne M. Stone-Shedden, MS CRC - Montana Vocational Rehabilitation & Blind Services (VRBS) Counselor. (406) 329-5400, Direct 531-0665, JStone2@mt.gov
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ~ Montana: https://www.blr.com/HR-Employment/Discrimination/Disabilities-ADA-in-Montana
July 2020 marked the 30th anniversary of the This landmark legislation was brought about through the efforts of persons with disabilities and Congress to address barriers in our society and economy. Barriers that excluded persons with disabilities from fully participating in the workforce and community life. The Act created standards for physical access to structures and a means to address other barriers and discrimination in the workforce and our communities.
Questions: (800) 727-5257, service@blr.com
Automobile Adaptive Equipment (AAE): https://www.prosthetics.va.gov/psas/AAE.asp
Veteran would complete an Application for Automobile or Other Conveyance and Adaptive Equipment (VA Form 21-4502: https://www.va.gov/find-forms/about-form-21-4502/) for the one-time payment to help you buy a specially equipped vehicle or a VA Form 10-1394: https://www.va.gov/vaforms/medical/pdf/10-1394-fill.pdf) for an AAR grant. Either form would go to the VA Prosthetics and Sensory Aid Services in Helena (Your MVAD VSO should be able to tell the vet if the AAE is authorized) Questions: Lisa Jensen-Tullis - Service Chief, Prosthetics • Prosthetic & Sensory Aids Services (NARS AUTHORIZED) MT VA Health Care Fort Harrison (406) 447-7856, Lisa.jensen-tullis@va.gov
Big Sky TBI Program: https://health.umt.edu/slhos/dewit-ritecare-clinic/default.php
The DeWit RiteCare Speech, Language, & Hearing Clinic, support sessions for those who may have experienced a mild traumatic brain injury. Adults (18+) who have persistent cognitive symptoms after a concussion / TBI.
Braille and Talking Book Program (FREE) ~ Library of Congress: https://www.loc.gov/programs/national-library-service-for-the-blind-and-print-disabled/about-this-service/
Or, call the National Library Service at 1-888-NLS-READ (1-888-657-7323)
Camp Bullwheel ~ Ennis, MT: campbullwheel.org
Added in Honor of Chris Clasby, Peer Advocacy Coordinator at Summit IL, and the VSN's DisABILITIES Advocate up until his passing 4/5/2021 (RIP). Chris was a stalwart board member, an inspiration behind the camp (quadriplegic), and instrumental in the design https://www.facebook.com/campbullwheel
Questions: (970) 581-0463, campbullwheel@gmail.com
Dementia Friendly Missoula: https://missoulaagingservices.org/get-help/dementia-resources/dementia-friendly-missoula.html
Airports Working Group: https://www.dementiafriendlyairports.com/
2023 - Marje, “The Missoula Airport has had their staff complete training under 2 different programs that give them tools to respond to those with non-visible disabilities:
Kulture City and the Sunflower Lanyard programs have been adopted and both focus on facilitating travel for those with disabilities that are not apparent, e.g. dementia, PTSD, hearing loss, autism spectrum. The airport has also created a virtual tour of the new terminal that is available on their website (https://flymissoula.com/accessibility) to those that would benefit from having that information available prior to visiting the terminal. If there are those that would benefit from a tour or desensitization visit prior to travelling they can contact the airport at their main phone number to schedule.
The Missoula Public Library has implemented the Sunflower lanyard program, developed in the UK, to empower those with non-visible disabilities.
2024 UPDATE:
Not only is the Missoula Airport dementia/non-visible disability trained through both the Sunflower Lanyard and Kulture City programs but Missoula Public Library is the first library in the state to be trained through the Sunflower Lanyard program. The lanyards are available for free at both locations. The library also hosts a monthly memory cafe for those with early to mid-stage dementia: https://www.missoulapubliclibrary.org/home/programs/ongoing-programs/memory-cafe/
A service group that I am involved in are also making Twiddle Mitts - knit or crocheted wrist bands with attached sensory items to help decrease anxiety or agitation for those with dementia or brain injury. At this point we have distributed them to facilities with memory care units but anyone interested may contact me. We also have fidget quilts, same idea but on a lap quilt.
At both the airport and the library those that need assistance can ask for a free Sunflower lanyard to wear that will alert staff to their needs. The Sunflower program also has cards that can be attached to the lanyard giving specific information on different non-visible disabilities, see their website at https://hiddendisabilitiesstore.com/uk/shop/sunflower-lanyards.html
Questions: Marjorie Doyle - Reference Librarian (Retired), Liaison Dementia Friendly Missoula and Dementia Friendly Airport Working Group (406) 542-1214, macrd1953@gmail.com
Disabled American Veterans (DAV): dav.org
DAV Charitable Service Trust: Grant program for not-for-profit organizations that fulfill a need or array of needs for sick, wounded, and homeless or at-risk veterans throughout the nation: https://cst.dav.org/learn-more/our-program/ Grant Questions: (859) 441-7300, ext. 3313, cst@dav.org
Employment: https://www.dav.org/veterans/employment-resources/ Keeping Our Promise to America’s Veterans! Questions: Charles (406) 495-2089
Missoula DAV: 2687 Palmer St.; Benefits Assistance (877) 426-2838
Volunteer Transportation Network: Bitterroot DAV and Missoula DAV provides free rides to Veterans to their VA Approved Medical Appointments. Contact: Bitterroot to Missoula 363-8396; Bitterroot to Fort Harrison 363-8396; Missoula DAV 207-1468 (Missoula DAV has drivers on Tuesdays & Thursdays)
Become a Volunteer Driver: Call (406) 363-8396; Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Van Drivers (406) 447-7406; Veterans Transportation Services (406) 447-6270; Travel Pay (406) 447-7402 or VA Volunteers ONLINE: https://www.va.gov/montana-health-care/work-with-us/volunteer-or-donate/
DAV & Humana ~ Agreement Will Help Veterans Overcome Barriers to Achieving Their Best Health: Humana’s relationship with DAV aligns with its rich history of supporting the men and women who served and expands its growing commitments to organizations that provide critical programs and services for veterans and their families. As part of this agreement, Humana becomes DAV’s national Medicare Advantage, PDP and Medicare Supplement sponsor. “Humana is fully invested in providing the unique health care services and experiences our nation’s veterans deserve,” said Alan Wheatley, Humana’s Retail Segment President. “DAV is honored and delighted to partner with such a prominent health care leader such as Humana as our new Medicare sponsor” said DAV National Adjutant Marc Burgess. Specifically, Humana works with those who know veterans best— such as DAV— to assure veterans are receiving the care they need. As part of the agreement, Humana will work directly with DAV to coordinate national and local programs or events which will provide opportunities for DAV members to achieve their best health.
disABLEDperson, Inc: https://www.disabledperson.com/
Premier National Job Board for People with Disabilities.
Scholarship application for college students with disabilities (deadline 3/31/22): https://www.disabledperson.com/scholarships/33
How to Talk About Your Disability During a Job Interview: https://www.disabledperson.com/blog/posts/how-to-talk-about-your-disability-during-a-job-interview
Contact: Mike Corso - President, Mike@disabledperson.com
Disabled Veterans National Foundation (DVNF): https://dvnf.org/
DVNF provides critically needed support to disabled and at-risk veterans who leave the military wounded—physically or psychologically—after defending our safety and our freedom.
Capacity Building Grant Program - INFO / APPLY: https://www.dvnf.org/capacity-building-grants/
Questions: grants@dvnf.org
Disabled Veterans National Foundation (DVNF): (202) 737-0522, info@dvnf.org
Disabled Veteran Solutions: https://www.disabledveteransolutions.com/our-history
Work From Home opportunities for Veterans!
Questions: (814) 651-0720, info@disabledveteransolutions.com
Discrimination ~ Florin / Roebig Trial Attorneys: https://florinroebig.com/veteran-rights-discrimination/
Disabled Veteran Rights; Discrimination in the workplace, healthcare system, social setting, and legal settings; The laws protecting Veteran rights; What to do if you have experienced discrimination; Government resources
Questions: Megan Johnson, Outreach Specialist, Megan@florinroebig.com
Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Loan Program ~ Kalispell: https://veteransfoodpantry.org/
NW MT Veterans Food Pantry will accept ALL donations of medical equipment, wheelchairs, etc. for the DME loan program, and they offer the equipment to all low income / at-risk Veterans free of charge.
Questions: DME (406) 756-7304 or Cinnamon (406) 250-2394, cdhall03@gmail.com
Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) – Toolkit: https://askearn.org/page/mental-health-toolkit; EARN supports employers in hiring, retaining and advancing qualified people with disabilities. Questions: earn@askearn.org
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ~ Employment rights under the ADA: www.eeoc.gov/eeoc/publications/ada_veterans.cfm
12/1/20, "EEOC ISSUES REVISED PUBLICATIONS ON THE EMPLOYMENT OF VETERANS WITH DISABILITIES" Three revised documents that address the employment of veterans with disabilities. The documents discuss how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) apply to veteran employees and those who employ them:
Understanding Your Employment Rights Under the Americans with Disabilities Act: A Guide for Veterans
Veterans and the Americans with Disabilities Act: A Guide for Employers
“Veterans with disabilities face many challenges when they return to civilian life, especially as they return to work,” said EEOC Chair Janet Dhillon. “And the EEOC stands ready to help ensure that their rights to equal employment opportunity are upheld.” More information is available at www.eeoc.gov
Questions: (800) 669-4000 OR John Pavao, State Diversity Program Coordinator, MT Department of Administration, State Human Resources Division, (406) 444-3984, jpavao@mt.gov
Friends of Man: https://friendsofman.org/
Foundation that helps people needing mobility equipment. A professional has to apply on behalf of the person (caseworker, case manager, social worker, clergy, etc.) needing mobility equipment, prosthetics, glasses, dentures, hearing aids, and much more. “They’re in Colorado, but they’ve helped other Montanans” (Shawna - MonTECH)
HydroLogistics Montana: https://www.facebook.com/HydroLogisticsMontana
Work with paralyzed Veterans to enjoy whitewater and fishing (river and fishing recreation for Veterans). "Inclusiveness on our rivers!" (For all people with mobility challenges). +1 406-203-7150, hydrologistics4df@gmail.com
Inclusively ~ Advocates: https://www.inclusively.com/advocates/
We offer Veteran Service Organizations with free access to Inclusively’ s platform. Designed to help job seekers with mental health needs and other disabilities to connect with inclusive employers and advocate for what accommodations they need to be successful.
Questions: Ross Barchacky (910) 723-0317, ross@inclusively.com or to discuss, make an appointment - Calendar link: https://calendly.com/ross-inclusively/meeting
Internal Revenue Service ~ Tax Credit: https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/tax-benefits-for-businesses-who-have-employees-with-disabilities; The IRS has established the Disabled Tax Credit. A company may utilize it to offset the costs associated with providing access to persons with disabilities. There is also the Barrier Removal Tax Deduction that can be taken for qualified expenses to remove barriers to access. Questions: MT DPHHS VRBS, Business Services Specialist, (406) 655-7626, TTY/TDD (888) 279-7528
I Run For Bob ~ Frenchtown (Local grant): https://irunforbob.com/
501 (c)(3) Organization founded in 2010 in memory and honor of Missoula, MT Police Sergeant Bob Heinle. Questions: +1 406-239-4228, lisa@irunforbob.com
JAN - Job Accommodation Network: http://askjan.org/
A to Z of Disabilities and Accommodations. Leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues. Questions: (800) 526-7234, jan@askjan.org; OR (800) ADA-WORK [(800)232-9675]; TEXT (304) 216-8189; SKYPE: janconsultants; JAN on Demand for JAN questions that are related to accommodation, ADA, and workplace issues; JAN on Demand for JAN questions that are related to self-employment and starting your own small business.
J.O.B.S. – Job Opportunity Based Services in Missoula: http://jobsinfomt.com/
Provides employment assistance and socialization support for those individuals with a disability. 715 Kensington 25A, Missoula Questions: (406) 541-6966 OR Michelle PicKell, President, Cell (406) 546-9112, mpickell@JOBSinfoMT.com
Living Well Under the Big Sky ~ Montana Disability & Health Program
Resources for Employment: http://mtdh.ruralinstitute.umt.edu/?page_id=737
Rural Institute on Disabilities: http://ruralinstitute.umt.edu/
Questions: Shawna Hanson, MonTECH Media Outreach Coordinator, Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities, UM (406) 243-4531, Shawna.Hanson@mso.umt.edu
Mentra ~ Neurodiversity: https://www.mentra.com/
“Neurodiversity” is the product of natural variations in human neurology that lead to differences in cognition, sensitivities, and perception. This includes ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, Epilepsy, OCD, Parkinson’s, TBI, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyspraxia, Tourette’s, learning differences, and more. Questions: info@mentra.com
MAR – Montana Association for Rehabilitation: http://mtmar.org/
Montana Vocational Rehabilitation – DPHHS, 2675 Palmer, Ste A, Msla
Questions: (406) 329-5400
Missoula Housing Authority (MHA) ~ Adopts New Waiting List Preferences for Special Disabled Vouchers
Missoula Housing Authority (MHA) has adopted two limited local preferences for the Housing Choice Voucher program. This post is to inform you of the preferences and how you can update your application if you are eligible for a preference. MHA has 40 new “Mainstream” vouchers that can serve families that have a disabled family member over 18 and under 62. MHA also has the following preferences for those vouchers: Up to 5 vouchers for families who have a household member who is disabled and between the ages of 18 and 61 who are currently in the Interim Assistance Program; Up to 25 vouchers for families who have a household member who is disabled and is residing in a property funded with federal, state or local government programs, such as the HOME investment Partnership Program or the Montana Housing Tax Credit program.
ACCESS: https://www.missoula.house/ (update application - MHA must verify preferences)
Questions: Shanda Walker (406) 549-4113 ext 113, swalker@missoulahousing.org
Or, Rebecca Stancil, MHA Family Self Sufficiency Director (406) 549-4113 ex 106, Rstancil@missoulahousing.org
Montana DOA & MDT ~ ADA: https://mdt.mt.gov/jobs/ada.aspx
Questions: John Pavao - State of Montana Diversity Program Coordinator, Department of Administration, State Human Resources Division, (406) 444-3984, jpavao@mt.gov
Montana DPHHS ~ Vocational Rehabilitation & Blind Services (VRBS): https://dphhs.mt.gov/detd/vocrehab
2675 Palmer St. Ste. A, Missoula
Promoting careers for people with disabilities (Mental health, physical disabilities, employers / job accommodations, etc.) and workforce solutions for Montana business. Our Business Services Team can help employers with questions about the ADA and how accessibility challenges can be reduced and removed. We draw upon a vast knowledge of disability and the barriers someone with a disability may face in entering, working and participating in our communities. Services: Locate qualified candidates; Help with employee retention; Pay on the job training and internship costs; Identify tax credits for your business; Provide disability awareness training…and much more!
Montana Aging and Disability Resource Center: https://dphhs.mt.gov/SLTC/aging/adrc/ ~ The Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) were developed through a partnership between the Administration on Aging(AOA)/Administration for Community Living (ACL), and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services(CMS). The overall goal of the ADRC Program is to empower individuals to effectively navigate their long-term services and supports options to make informed choices, to streamline access to long-term services and supports and organize the long-term support system. Questions: +1 406-444-0936, dphhspio@mt.gov OR linda.sharkey@mt.gov
Senior & Long Term Care, Veterans’ Home Services: http://www.dphhs.mt.gov/sltc/services/vethome/index.shtml
Questions (406) 444-4077 OR (888) 279-7528
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors:
Jeanne M. Stone-Shedden, MS CRC (406) 329-5400, JStone2@mt.gov
MonTECH – The Rural Institute: www.ruralinstitute.org
MonTECH can help you find the right communication device (Assistive Technology Tools & Services). Borrow devices and communication apps for up to 30 days at a time to assess which system works best for the communicator AND for the caregiver who may be assisting in customization of vocabulary.
The Montana Assistive Technology Loan (MATL) program allows Montanans to apply for loans for assistive technology, mobility equipment, adaptive recreation equipment, home and vehicle modification, accessible vehicles, hearing aids... Payment plans are low, and the application committee is aware of the difficulties of living on low income; they try hard to approve applicants whenever possible: https://www.matl.ruraldynamics.org/apply-now
We have handcycles and recumbent trikes!
KEYBOARDS - Assisted Veteran in Need, "We have a wide range of adaptive keyboards that can be borrowed for up to 60 days at a time at no cost. This vet could make an appointment and come into our Missoula location to try a variety of keyboards and see which is most helpful."
Questions: (406) 243-5751, montech@mso.umt.edu OR Shawna Hanson, MonTECH Media Outreach Coordinator, Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities, UM (406) 243-4531, Shawna.Hanson@mso.umt.edu
Montana Family to Family Health Information Center (406) 243-4570, Montanaf2f@uMontana.edu
Montana Voices Amplified: Stacey.Bliss@mso.umt.edu
NVTI ~ “Serving Veterans with Disability and Accessibility Needs”: https://www.nvti.org/Resources/Useful-Resources/Serving-Veterans-Disability-Accessibility-Needs
VA Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) staff fully describe the eligibility and entitlement process for Veterans requesting assistance under the Chapter 31 program.
Questions: Education Call Center at 888-442-4551; National Veterans Training Institute (NVTI), peacock.yolanda.f@dol.gov
OR VR&E Montana: David J. Wirtz (406) 495-2012, david.wirtz@va.gov
Opportunity Resources, Inc.: http://orimt.org/
Out of Step: Disability Resources: http://www.outofstep.com/
Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA): https://pva.org/
PVA has helped millions of Veterans, their family members, and caregivers live with dignity and respect!
Veterans Career Program (VCP formerly Paving Access for Veterans Employment - PAVE): https://www.pva.org/find-support/veterans-employment/
Questions: Benefits Helpline 1-866-734-0857
Caregiver Support: 1-855-260-3274
(866) 734-0857 OR Charles, mccaffreyconsulting@gmail.com
Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology (PEAT): http://www.peatworks.org/
The Post Traumatic Training Institute (PTTI): pttinow.com
Dedicated to training licensed mental health professionals in the most effective PTSD treatment available, RTM Protocol: https://thertmprotocol.com/
Media Monitoring Suite (mms.tveyes.com) - Story: https://mms.tveyes.com/transcript.asp?StationID=4890&DateTime=6/30/2024%2010:05:38%20PM&playclip=true&pbc=search%3a%2b(RTM)
RTM creates a “mind shift” – it has been working for Veterans with PTS from over 40 years ago (nightmares, alleviating triggers, etc.), 9/11 survivors, bystanders, etc. The 2022 trials had a 90% success rate (96% success rate in San Diego with a trial of 36 women suffering with MST).
The sessions are fast (90 minutes) with trained counselors. They’re study is in the works at Walter Reed in D.C., but the goal is to train counselors in all 500 clinics across the country.
Stay informed by following the PTTI FB: https://www.facebook.com/people/PTTI/61555996123045/
Connect with Jon Hamblin on LinkedIn (PTTI Director): https://www.linkedin.com/in/jon-hamblin-2033337b/ Jon, “Our Walter Reed study will be out in September (2024)…no medication necessary. It is a neurological intervention. My email is jon@pttinow.com please reach out anytime and feel free to share with others.”
PTTI and Larry’s ASK (7/2024 VSP Meeting Speaker: Larry Anderson - Veteran Court Mentor, larry63mt@gmail.com):
Legislative support for RTM training (PTTI requires 12 or more in each class – trainers certified by the state).
Share with as many Veteran organizations as possible to help with funding.
RTM training - He would like to see scholarships to help pay for treatment.
Quinn’s Hot Springs: http://www.quinnshotsprings.com/
Soak in our mineral pools ~ they have a new ADA Pool Lift (for help getting in and out of wheelchair). Stay in our lodge or cabins (they have ramps to rooms), and dine in our historic Harwood House Restaurant!
Questions: (406) 826-3150, info@quinnshotsprings.com
RAMP of Montana (Regional Access Mobility Program Of Montana): https://www.rampmontana.org/
RAMP can provide wheelchair ramps and other exterior accessibility features at no cost thanks to the City of Missoula CDBG grant funding for income eligible households in need. Who Qualifies: People with Disabilities; Seniors; Must be of low to moderate income; Must live within Missoula County.
Questions: RAMP 700 SW Higgins Ave Ste 101, Missoula (406) 523-3953
Human Resource Council, 2-1-1 or 406-549-5555, 211@hrcxi.org
Rocky Mountain ADA Center: https://www.rockymountainada.org/
We can provide both information and guidance concerning disability laws free of charge if you complete the online Technical Assistance Request form or call directly (800) 949-4232
Self Employment ~ Vocational Rehab Self-Employment Guide: http://vrselfemploymentguide.org/
Questions – VSN Member: Jeanne M. Stone-Shedden, MS CRC (406) 329-5400, Direct 531-0665, JStone2@mt.gov
Social Security Administration – Disability: http://www.socialsecurity.gov/disabilityssi/apply.html
Veterans - Wounded Warriors: https://www.ssa.gov/people/veterans/
Questions: 800-772-1213
Local - Missoula: 3701 AMERICAN WAY, (866) 931-9029, TTY: (800) 325-0778
Society for Diversity: https://www.diversitycertification.org/
The Institute for Diversity Certification provides Certified Diversity Professional (CDP) and more! Understanding and Valuing Neurodiversity in the Workplace: https://www.societyfordiversity.org/understanding-and-valuing-neurodiversity-in-the-workplace; Follow them on FB: https://www.facebook.com/diversitycertification
Questions: +1 800-983-6192, info@societyfordiversity.org
Summit Independent Living ~ The VSN's "Disabilities Advocate & Resource Center": http://www.summitilc.org/
700 SW Higgins, Ste 101, Missoula
Summit Independent Living, Inc. is a private, non-residential non-profit organization that offers a wide range of services designed to give people with disabilities the tools and resources that are needed to improve independent, self-confidence, knowledge, skills and access to community resources. Summit serves people with mobility, neurological, hearing, visual, and other disabilities.
Summit's Ronan Office ~ Open Monday-Friday 9am - 4pm
BASE Missoula ~ All Abilities Community Center: http://www.summitilc.org/services/base/; 725 W. Alder, Suite 4, Missoula. Providing FREE programing such as Improv, Adaptive Yoga, Gaming, Art and Dance! BASE is collaboration between Summit IL, other non-profits and various artists in our community. This space is meant to be a safe place to explore and display the arts as well as learn advocacy. BASE is open to everyone in our community of all ages, interests and abilities. This is your space.
Questions: (406) 728-1630, missoula@summitilc.org
BASE Missoula, (406) 215-1080, basemissoula@gmail.com
Ticket to Work ~ My Employment Options: http://myemploymentoptions.com/
The Work Site: https://ssa.gov/work/
Tips for Filing VA disability
Tim is willing to take questions statewide: Tim Ingraham, Veteran Service Officer (VSO), Fort Harrison, (406) 495-2081, timothy.ingraham@va.gov
Or, make an appointment w/the Missoula MVAD (Montana Veterans Affairs Division): (406) 542-2501
US DOL Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP): https://www.dol.gov/odep/
Policy Development & Technical Assistance Resources to develop and influence disability employment-related policies and practices. Questions: 1-866-487-2365
OR Tom Finch – State of Montana Director, US DOL VETS (Veterans' Employment and Training Service) (406) 447-3233, Finch.Thomas.L@dol.gov
Montana DoA: John Pavao - State Diversity Program & ADA Coordinator, Department of Administration, State Human Resources Division (406) 444-3984, jpavao@mt.gov
US Disability Programs and Services: https://www.disability.gov/
Veteran Readiness & Employment (VR&E)
David, "va.gov/education download VAF28-1900 & email to vrc.vbafhm@va.gov Questions: (406) 495-2012"
Eligibility requirements for VRE: https://www.va.gov/careers-employment/vocational-rehabilitation/eligibility/
o Apply online: https://www.ebenefits.va.gov/ebenefits/about/feature?feature=vocational-rehabilitation-and-employment
o Or, submit a paper application: Download and complete a VA Form 28-1900, "Disabled Veterans Application for Vocational Rehabilitation" and mail it to your our local regional office (3633 Veterans Dr., Ft. Harrison, MT 59636). They try to ensure Veteran is seen within 30 days.
There are two VRE Counselors in Missoula: 2681 Palmer St., Suite N, (406) 258-1084.
Questions: David Wirtz, VA Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Officer (VREO), (406) 495-2012, david.wirtz@va.gov
Veterans Guide: 100% VA Disability Explained
Veterans Mobility Projects: https://veteransmobilitypjct.org/
Providing a way for Veterans to regain some of the freedom they have lost; whether that be setting a Veteran up with a power-wheelchair or assisting them with other tools to enhance their lives, giving the freedom of mobility. All therapeutic tools will be given to Veterans at no cost (501c3 nonprofit organization).
Questions: anne@veteransmobilitypjct.org
WorkforceGPS ~ Disability & Employment Community: https://disability.workforcegps.org/home
Technical assistance and resources for people with disabilities and other barriers to employment.
Wounded Warrior Project
Annual Warrior Survey from WWP https://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/mission/annual-warrior-survey
Zippia ~ Disability Resource Guide: https://www.zippia.com/advice/disability-resource-guide/
Laws that protect you, how to interview, to finding accommodating companies, here is a guide to make things a little easier. Questions: (254) 294-7742, support@zippia.com